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Show last update onlyCorrelation Tables

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9705 > 9705.2

Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical or paleontological interest

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9705 > 9705.3

Collections and collectors' pieces of numismatic interest

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9705 > 9705.10

Collections and collectors' pieces of archaeological, ethnographic or historical interest

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9705 > 9705.2 > 9705.21

Human specimens and parts thereof

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9705 > 9705.3 > 9705.31

Of an age exceeding 100 years

Section XXI > Chapter 97 > Heading 9706 > 9706.10

Of an age exceeding 250 years

Section XV > Chapter 76 > Heading 7606 > 7606.1 > 7606.12

Of aluminium alloys

Section XV > Chapter 76 > Heading 7606 > 7606.9 > 7606.91

Of aluminium, not alloyed